As a pastor, I occasionally
find myself on the receiving end of anger about things that are written in the
Bible. I’m sure I’m not alone here; I suppose everyone who identifies themselves
as a Christian these days must periodically answer people’s questions about
what’s in the Bible, especially the controversial parts. I am used to hearing
people express frustration, for example, about some of the more violent scenes
in the Old Testament books and what that supposedly says about God’s nature. Several
women, understandably irritated by some of the passages in Paul’s epistles, have
me asked me to explain why some parts of the Bible seem to value women less
than men. Abraham’s near-sacrifice of his son, Isaac, in Genesis causes
problems for a lot of folks, for they wonder how a loving God could even ask a
follower to do something so brutal. I admit: the Bible is chock-full of some
pretty provocative stories and passages that I have come to expect will rankle
just about any thinking person.
It may surprise you, however,
to hear that one of the angriest reactions and most intense lines of
questioning I’ve ever dealt with when it comes to Bible stories was over this
story about Mary and Martha. It came from Doris, one of the members in the
first parish I served in Pittsburgh. Doris was a lifelong churchgoer. She sang
in the choir. She volunteered in the office whenever help was needed. Now
approaching 80, she had served on church Council several times, and at every
church function Doris could be found in the kitchen preparing the food and staying
late to clean the dishes. Doris was a workhorse, just like any number of
dedicated volunteers that you can find in every congregation across the earth. In
small congregations, they are often the backbone of just about everything, jacks-of-all-trades
that silently and somewhat happily get stuff done.
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"Christ in the House of Mary and Martha," Jan Vermeer (1655) |
In any case, Doris was not
pleased with this story where Martha is the one doing all the work and Mary is
being lazy listening to Jesus. If that’s not bad enough, when Martha gently brings
this to Jesus’ attention, by golly, he chastises her for it! Nope, that didn’t
sit well with Doris. In fact, she told me once when it came up in a Bible study
that she didn’t understand why God would let those words come from the mouth of
her Lord Jesus, as that far as she was concerned that story could be left out
of the Bible and we’d all be better for it.
Safe to say, I think Doris
identified with Martha. Doris knows what it’s like to be abandoned in the church
kitchen while everyone else enjoys the church program in the fellowship hall. I
wonder how many of us do, too, in our own way. There are so many tasks to be
done, especially in and around the church, and, all too often, it seems to get
done by many of the same corps of Dorises, over and over again. There they are,
running the old dishwasher, or folding the newsletters, or mowing the church
lawn, or crunching the budget numbers, but it’s carefree Mary, raising nary a
finger to help, who gets the nod of Jesus’ approval.
What’s more, in Jesus’ day, Martha
would have been seen as performing the necessary tasks of hospitality, the sign
that you valued your guest’s time and well-being above your own. In ancient
Middle Eastern culture, taking care of houseguests and meeting their needs was
the foremost indication of godliness. We think of hosting and waiting on guests
in our as a something novelty, an out-of-the-ordinary event that might involve
a trek to Williams-Sonoma if we have the time. But in an environment that was ultimately
inhospitable, like theirs—desert-like and often war-torn, the roads patrolled
by bandits and criminals—peoples’ homes were typically the only oasis of rest
and safety. Hospitality to the stranger was a way of life that weaved culture
together. Martha was simply doing what was required of her, tending carefully
to the needs of her guest, who, after all, was God.
One important key, of course,
to understanding just why Jesus favors Mary’s choice of sitting at his feet is
that Martha, we are told, is distracted
by her duties. She’s not just performing them, she is preoccupied with them. I’m
not sure Doris was ever preoccupied with her many tasks of keeping the church
running, but I suppose it could happen to any of us. The tasks of faith can become
overwhelming, and pretty soon they become like busy-work, or, what’s worse,
they become our identity. We end up doing a whole lot of running around, distracted
by the amount of good that needs to be done in the world and not enough sitting
still and listening to the word of God.
That, after all, is what Mary
is doing. She is on the floor, his dusty feet a few inches from her face, eagerly
receiving everything her rabbi says. When Jesus compares the part of listening
to the part of doing, he is not saying that the duties of hospitality and
service are not important. Rather, Jesus is making the point that, in the life
of faith. these things are somehow secondary to hearing and receiving the words
of the Lord. As good as those tasks are, constant attention to them can
unwittingly pull us away from the one thing that we truly need, for it is in
the Lord’s words and in his words only where we learn who and whose we are. The
most important thing we can do as followers of Christ is remember what we’re
supposed to be. I think that’s what’s happening between Mary and her Lord.
Some of you here may remember
the song that the youth praise band sang in worship during last year’s Youth
Sunday. They chose the song, “Remind Me Who I Am,” by the contemporary
songwriter Jason Gray. The song is actually a hymn, a song with prayer-like
words that is clearly directed to God. The simple refrain of the song goes like
“Tell me, once again, who I am to you.
Tell me, lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you.”
Tell me, lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you.”
When the youth group was
practicing the song, some of the seniors had the idea to take the video for the
song and adapt it for a worship setting. To do so, they had members of the
youth group take large pieces of roughly-torn cardboard and write down a word
on one side that describes how they often feel when they’re labeled by the
world. Some of the words that were written down were “lonely,” “lost,” “inadequate,”
“rejected,” “left out,” and so on. As the song was performed, members of the
youth group walked out into the congregation carrying their cardboard labels. When
they were summoned back by a Jesus figure, they slowly began turning those
labels around to reveal their true identity: on the opposite side, in the same black
marker, they had written the word “BELOVED.” This is an identity that each of
us only learns when we spend time at the foot of Jesus: no matter what the
world says about us or what name we give ourselves, we are beloved. In fact,
Jesus dies in order to impart this identity to us.
This is the reason why Jesus
says Mary has chosen the better part. We can work ourselves silly with the good
works of faith, we can show the world all the good we do in service to the
kingdom, we can impress others with our selfless ways of life, but we can and
will be reminded of our identity only at the foot of the one who dies for us. We
will only remember who and whose we really are when we spend time listening to
his words, when we spend time letting his dusty feet get near our ears.
It’s still amazing to me
that, despite all of this, the life of the church in this day and age can take
on such a Martha feeling. In all the church’s fretting to be relevant, our running
around trying to be cool, to be seen and heard as “applicable” and “important”
in a post-modern world, we run the danger in the long run of just being
pre-occupied. We find ourselves being pre-occupied with trendy social justice
issues, pre-occupied with “making a difference” in our neighborhoods and
I can’t tell you how many
articles I’ve read by now that say the way to attract young adults to the
church is through service projects and hands-on faith-in-action activities. But
that’s what Martha was doing. She was faith-in-action, constantly moving about,
wanting to be the hands of God’s work. But before we can be effective hands for God, we need to have an ear to God. Taking a cue from Mary, perhaps
the best thing the church could do in the midst of the world’s busy-ness is to be
seen sitting down at the feet of the Risen One who has come to visit us—to be
seen listening to what he has to say about us. We can then let our service and
our good works flow from there.
I remember one time in
seminary when I was waiting tables as a side job I went out with a bunch of my
co-workers after hours. Most of the group had gone up to the bar, I think, to
order more drinks, busy, I suppose you could say, with the night’s activities. I
was left at the table with this one young woman in her twenties who knew I was
studying to become a pastor. I don’t know whether it was out of a sense of
guilt or just the only way she knew to make small talk with me, but she shared that
she had grown up going to a Lutheran church but hadn’t really returned much
since she’d gotten confirmed. There’s so much to do on the weekends, she said, “help
give me the motivation to go back to worship.”
Her question, there in the
midst of the smoky barroom, caught me off-guard. I am positive that my response
was mush-mouthed and no help at all. I was probably worried about sounding
judgmental or too churchy in my response. I might have tried to convince her of
all the cool service things the church does for the world, but that would have
seemed to sell it short. Looking back, there is any number of things I could have said, I guess, that would have wooed or coerced her back to worship.
But now, I think of a better response: If I could have, in that moment I would have simply introduced her to Doris and said, “Because you might turn out like this woman. Selfless, compassionate, willing to work, but also willing to listen. Doris, even in the rush of her service, knew that being with the other disciples at his feet gave her the opportunity to listen, the opportunity to savor the better part…and there and only there will anyone ever be reminded who they really are: BELOVED.”
But now, I think of a better response: If I could have, in that moment I would have simply introduced her to Doris and said, “Because you might turn out like this woman. Selfless, compassionate, willing to work, but also willing to listen. Doris, even in the rush of her service, knew that being with the other disciples at his feet gave her the opportunity to listen, the opportunity to savor the better part…and there and only there will anyone ever be reminded who they really are: BELOVED.”
Thanks be to God!
The Reverend Phillip W. Martin, Jr.